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Seller’s Home Inspection

When it is time to sell your home, your goal should be to eliminate as many potential problems as possible that could slow the sale of your home. A Seller’s Home Inspection can help you accomplish this goal. There are many advantages for you:

  • At your convenience you can schedule the inspection before the home is listed.
  • You can choose me, your InterNACHI Certified Professional Inspector, or be at the mercy of the buyer’s inspector.
  • The inspection could alert you to any safety issues before the agents and their clients tour the home.
  • You are made aware of all potential problems in advance instead of wondering what the buyer’s inspector will find.
  • With this knowledge, you can decide which repairs to make or adjust the selling price accordingly.
  • You have time to look for competitive bids and the option of doing repairs before listing the home.
  • You can make the inspection report available to potential buyers and have your repair receipts attached proving that the repairs were completed.
  • You show that you are trying to do what is in the best interest of everyone involved.
  • With all potential problems addressed before listing the home, the sale can be completed more smoothly and swiftly.
  • A home listed as already inspected gives the potential buyer confidence.

*We have other inspection options available for home sellers who may not require a full standard home inspection. Please call for specific details.*

Most buyer offers are contingent on having a home inspection. Having a Seller’s Inspection can help you by finding any problems that you were unaware of ahead of time. No hidden problems bring about a smooth home sale. Avoid the stress and headache of last minute surprises. Give me a call at 425-888-4470 for your Seller’s Home Inspection today!

Home inspection Snoqualmie

Home Inspection Snoqualmie